Ray Hook
I was born and raised on a farm in northwestern Illinois. As an infant, I was baptized in the Lutheran Church. I attended a small Methodist church throughout grade school. During that time, I was taught all the major childhood Bible stories, but remained unchurched until college days.
I moved from the farm to downtown Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and attended the Milwaukee School of Engineering, where I came to know Jesus through the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship (IVCF). Through IVCF, I was trained in leading Bible studies, and I served on the leadership team for our college chapter during my final year.
After college, in 1992, I married my college sweetheart Michelle, and jumped with both feet into the workplace (and in debt!). Over the next few years, Michelle and I studied finances with Larry Burket and Christian Financial Concepts, and we paid down our debt. In 1996, we found out we were expecting our first child. Around this time, a college friend and I worked together to start a business.
Over the next ten years, by God’s grace, the business flourished. My family was blessed with three boys, David, Jarod, and Collin. From 2000 to 2006 we attended Elmbrook Church, in Brookfield, Wisconsin, where Michelle and I were involved in the volunteer budget counseling ministry, and led three classes of Crown’s “Biblical Financial Study” (www.crown.org).
In 2006, we felt God calling us to move to Rockford. My business partner and I decided to close the business. We moved to Loves Park and spent many months searching for a new church home. Eventually, I decided on Rock Valley Bible Church as it was where I felt the most uncomfortable (I wouldn’t be able to hide in this church)!
Since that time, RVBC has become family! I am deeply humbled to serve this church as a deacon (installed in May 2011).